Building micro services through Event Driven Architecture part14 : Query API.

Building micro services through Event Driven Architecture part14 : Query API

This tutorial is the 14th part of a series : Building microservices through Event Driven Architecture.

The previous step is about Building micro services through Event Driven Architecture part13 : Consume events from Apache KAFKA and project streams into ElasticSearch

In this tutorial, I will show how to build a query API that implement queries in a microservice architecture using the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern.

The goal of the Read Model is to build a model specialized for reads, by modeling the different scenarios to present information to the users of the system. 

I cannot query the event streams because they are not easy to query. I cannot also rebuild the state of the aggregate and query it in memory to get informations for the user for performance reasons..

 So I will use projections to create a structural representation of the events. This is done by precalculating the current state of the aggregate and finally store it to a no-sql database. I can also precalculate and store information as needed by the end user to improve performance .

Streams has been projected into ElasticSearch, now I have to build views to display queries that retrieve data from a no sql database. 

Read Model projection

I create a base class Entity that should be inherited by all views, it contains the version of the aggregate and the identifier of the aggregate.

SpeechView contains the fields that I want to be displaye for the end user.


SpeechUseCase use the repository that retrieves data from elasticsearch and returns a (or  list of)  SpeechView 


Infrastructure use ElasticSearch client and Nest to perform search requests.


Presentation is a web api core that use speechUseCase to search queries


  • Start ElasticSearch

To start ElasticSearch, locate the installation of kibana and run the following command :


Launch a browser and connect to  http://localhost:5601

Start the following  project :

  • LogCorner.EduSync.Speech.Presentation

Start Postman and post a new command

You should see the following output 

Code source is available here :

Thanks for reading, if you have any feedback, feel free to post it



I'm a microsoft most valuable professional (MVP) .NET Architect and Technical Expert skills located in Paris (FRANCE). The purpose of this blog is mainly to post general .NET tips and tricks, Gora LEYE

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