Using Advices and Poincuts in SPRING.NET and ASP.NET MVC
In this tutorial we learn how to do dependency Injection using SPRING.NET, Dependency injection (DI) is a process whereby objects define their dependencies, that is, the other objects they work with, only through constructor arguments and properties that are set on the object instance after it is constructed. (Factory methods may be considered a special case of providing constructor arguments for the purposes of this description). The container injects these dependencies when it creates the object. This process is fundamentally the inverse to the case when the object itself is controlling the instantiation or location of its dependencies by using direct construction of classes, or the Service Locator pattern. The inverting of this responsibility is why the name Inversion of Control (IoC) is used to describe the container’s actions.
This tutorial is a continuation of Aspect Oriented Programming using spring.NET, ASP.NET MVC
The principles covered in this tutorial will apply to creating ASP.NET MVC Web Site and inject services object in controller using SPRING.NET. We also use advices and pointcuts to intercept object behaviours
We are going to implement a before advice , after advice, around advice and throw advice
- So open our project and reference Spring.AOP
- The next step is to create our advices
- Now lets create xml file aop.xml and define it Build Action as Embedded Ressource
- Open spring-config-services.xml file and update it as follow :
Open our web.config file and add aop.xml file as follow :
- Ok, we are at the end of this tutorial. So lets begin tests.
Make breakPoint at our advices and press F5 , the excetion workflow look like this : The method GetProducts of IProductService is intercepted Before, Around and after execution.
- Lets now test our ThrowAdvice by a division by Zero and press F5 :
We can see that the exception is intercepted. So we log here all exceptions occured during execution of our service.
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